Matanzas Moon Ablaze -- Order Now!!

Matanzas Moon Ablaze -- Order Now!!
Falling in love is spooky...

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Blessings and Botherations

Blessings and Botherations
I’d never really considered myself a Zen sort of person.  Still don't.  A short week ago, I rode the wave of anticipation to disappointment and back again, my knuckles white from anxiety.  I recall a shining moment amidst the random, but persistent obstacles delaying the release of my debut novel, Matanzas Moon.  Sitting in a massage chair for a mani/pedi, I received the news: There was no possible way my book would be ready in time for my event… I could have freaked out.  No one would have blamed me.  It was a completely justifiable opportunity to unleash all the pent up frustration.  I could have bolted from the chair, suds flying, as I shook the foil wrappers off my pre-gel nails to indulge in a raging, Hi-Def, 3 dimensional, technicolor meltdown.  As cathartic as it would’ve been, I recognized the futility of that reaction.  It wouldn’t change the impact this setback had on my event. It wouldn’t magically place 100 copies of Matanzas Moon in my hands in time.  It wouldn’t accomplish anything, except give the others in the salon a laugh.  No.  I politely ended the phone conversation and quietly enjoyed my luxury services as I considered alternative solutions around this most recent impediment.  By now, I should assume adversity and be pleasantly surprised by anything else.
Once I wrapped my brain around the predicament, I decided to focus on generating buzz, promotional giveaways and pre-orders.  OK.  I got this.  Pre-Order Forms, Entry Forms, clipboards, posters announcing giveaway… After a flurry of preparations, I received an email that the event was canceled because of the relentless rain.  Boo!  Fickle Florida Weather!!  It was *almost* too much for me to handle.  The next event wasn’t until November, and I felt on the verge of collapse.  My doubts increased exponentially.  Was I trying to force something that clearly is not meant to be?  Why is it so complicated? Again, I refused to succumb to devastation.  I would prevail.  Somehow.
A few days later, seemingly out of nowhere… I received an email from the coordinator for the Speculative Fiction South East Convention.  Just a quick email to see if I was still interested and if I had any questions holding me back from registering.   I felt the clouds part as rays of sunshine beamed down on me!  Caught up in the high drama that IS independent publishing, I’d completely forgotten I’d inquired by email back in May!  Luckily, they remembered and were thoughtful enough to reach out to include me! I can’t even begin express how grateful I am!  It’s next weekend. It’s relatively short notice… but this event is PERFECT!  Everything is already prepared for “an event” and now I WILL have my books in hand.  Plus, I’ll already be in O-Town for a Veterinary event ending just in time for this one!  Wow! Talk about Kismet! My faith is restored, and my doubts are tamed.
Takeaway Lesson: Don’t let doubts and obstacles overwhelm you.  Focus on solutions and your path will appear!

                                   Buy MATANZAS MOON Now!

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