Matanzas Moon Ablaze -- Order Now!!

Matanzas Moon Ablaze -- Order Now!!
Falling in love is spooky...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

CON-Founded 2015


So, as you may know, I was blessed with the opportunity to join the Speculative Fiction South East Convention 2015 this past weekend after the crushing cancellation of my *first* promotional event for MATANZAS MOON. SFSE was a fantastic opportunity but that weekend presented its own set of challenging circumstances.  Not from the convention itself… more from my own errors, inexperience, and downright naïve optimism.  Wondering if my shipments would arrive (one of two ain’t bad…) then finding the interiors were a little *off* were disappointing… but not insurmountable.  These initial copies would be considered ARCs and the corrected manuscript will be uploaded soon for future copies.  Ok, no worries.  Now that we're over that concern, we can focus on the convention itself!

My friend and partner in crime accompanied me on this trip and we had a blast!  The #SPSE2015 was great.  As a first time CON, it wasn’t super large (whew!) and I really liked the concept.  They combined a #writer’s #workshop with the #shenanigans of a hedonistic convention.  The location was perfect.  The authors and panels were awesome, and I made many new friends... such a  super-cool group of people willing to support and help each along the way! I can’t wait until NEXT year and other events where our paths may cross!

So, returning home after so much fun was a little anticlimactic.  My next scheduled event was WasbiCon October 31-November 1, 2015.  Too far away to keep the momentum up…  As I settled in to begin the exhilarating chore of format and typeset corrections, I got a message from a local corset shop, Three Muses Clothing.  They are having #MandarinMini-Con 2 this Saturday.  I'd contacted them a few weeks back, but they were full.  Seems as she was mapping the tables for Vendors, she found room to include me!!  Another lucky break!!  I can keep my forward momentum up!  So, please… Anyone in the #Jacksonville, #FL area October 3, 2015, please check out Mandarin Mini-Con 2!  Another chance to meet Elizabeth Raven and get your signed copy of MATANZAS MOON!!  See you crazy bookers there!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Blessings and Botherations

Blessings and Botherations
I’d never really considered myself a Zen sort of person.  Still don't.  A short week ago, I rode the wave of anticipation to disappointment and back again, my knuckles white from anxiety.  I recall a shining moment amidst the random, but persistent obstacles delaying the release of my debut novel, Matanzas Moon.  Sitting in a massage chair for a mani/pedi, I received the news: There was no possible way my book would be ready in time for my event… I could have freaked out.  No one would have blamed me.  It was a completely justifiable opportunity to unleash all the pent up frustration.  I could have bolted from the chair, suds flying, as I shook the foil wrappers off my pre-gel nails to indulge in a raging, Hi-Def, 3 dimensional, technicolor meltdown.  As cathartic as it would’ve been, I recognized the futility of that reaction.  It wouldn’t change the impact this setback had on my event. It wouldn’t magically place 100 copies of Matanzas Moon in my hands in time.  It wouldn’t accomplish anything, except give the others in the salon a laugh.  No.  I politely ended the phone conversation and quietly enjoyed my luxury services as I considered alternative solutions around this most recent impediment.  By now, I should assume adversity and be pleasantly surprised by anything else.
Once I wrapped my brain around the predicament, I decided to focus on generating buzz, promotional giveaways and pre-orders.  OK.  I got this.  Pre-Order Forms, Entry Forms, clipboards, posters announcing giveaway… After a flurry of preparations, I received an email that the event was canceled because of the relentless rain.  Boo!  Fickle Florida Weather!!  It was *almost* too much for me to handle.  The next event wasn’t until November, and I felt on the verge of collapse.  My doubts increased exponentially.  Was I trying to force something that clearly is not meant to be?  Why is it so complicated? Again, I refused to succumb to devastation.  I would prevail.  Somehow.
A few days later, seemingly out of nowhere… I received an email from the coordinator for the Speculative Fiction South East Convention.  Just a quick email to see if I was still interested and if I had any questions holding me back from registering.   I felt the clouds part as rays of sunshine beamed down on me!  Caught up in the high drama that IS independent publishing, I’d completely forgotten I’d inquired by email back in May!  Luckily, they remembered and were thoughtful enough to reach out to include me! I can’t even begin express how grateful I am!  It’s next weekend. It’s relatively short notice… but this event is PERFECT!  Everything is already prepared for “an event” and now I WILL have my books in hand.  Plus, I’ll already be in O-Town for a Veterinary event ending just in time for this one!  Wow! Talk about Kismet! My faith is restored, and my doubts are tamed.
Takeaway Lesson: Don’t let doubts and obstacles overwhelm you.  Focus on solutions and your path will appear!

                                   Buy MATANZAS MOON Now!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Exciting Times!

Matanzas Moon is due to be released next week!  Funny how the span of time can seem an eternity flying by at the speed of light! The concept was born years ago, but with little personal reserves to commit to the project, it languished in neglect.  A spark reignited my passion during one of the many Ghost Tours in which my family and I indulge.  In March 2015, on the Ripley's Ghost Train, we visited the Dow Museum of Historic Homes.  During that tour, goose bumps erupted on my skin as I heard two ghost stories I knew would incorporate into my concept well.  Later that night, I stayed up late investigating Alice Flagler and Missy Dean the Voodoo Queen.  I realized how well their stories meshed.  Suddenly, the floodgates opened and I was riding the tidal wave of inspiration!  My husband and son were invaluable during the creative process.  They gave me space to create, listened as I fumbled with dialogue, and gave insightful input with plot twists.  Within a few weeks, the manuscript was complete.  
Now for the *fun* part... Queries, proofreading and editing!  Yay!  Realizing it wasn't the best time of year to peddle a debut novel from an uncredentialed writer, I began the search for independent publishing solutions. Thank goodness for Aidana at Willowraven Illustration and Design Plus/Wicker Apple!  She was delightful to work with and a wealth of knowledge.  Now I have embarked on a new journey as a small independent press, Ms. Tiki Unlimited, Inc.  
With the release approaching, I am filled with excitement... and anxiety.  I have fallen in love with my characters.  They have become my friends.  My family.  Have I been fair to them, and my potential readers, by representing them on the page as vividly as they exist in my head?  As an inexperienced author, I am plagued by doubts about my "voice".  Being the eternal nerd I am, I worry that my syntax is awkward and my vocabulary is too lofty.  (Can you tell I have worked myself into a blubbering puddle of warm goo?)  With a few short days until release, it is time for me to let go.  I need to let the bubble float out into the world and see how it fairs.  It's gutwrenching.  Nerve-racking, and bittersweet.  I have given the story wings; now it must fly.

Meet Bridget Quinn and Nick Maddox.  Join their ghostly adventures in St. Augustine, FL!