Matanzas Moon Ablaze -- Order Now!!

Matanzas Moon Ablaze -- Order Now!!
Falling in love is spooky...

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Joy of Research

Ah, Research. The process of amassing information with which to compose your stories. Also, the process of verifying facts to substantiate the realism of your story. Whether you love it or hate it, it is a vital part of the writing process. Personally, I LOVE research when it’s a subject I find fascinating. Luckily, I have control of that decision. Seriously, why write about subjects you aren’t absolutely thrilled to research? Research methods may vary from author to author, but here are a few that I find satisfying.

Immersion: Just as its name implies, immersion is doing just that.  Immersing yourself in the area or activity you will be writing about. It can be as simple as strolling the streets and experiencing the local flavor, or accompanying a local police officer for a Ride-Along. Since several characters in my novels are on the force, I’m grateful to have developed some friendships with members of corrections/law enforcement agencies. They help me comprehend the endless procedural details to which they must adhere, as well as understanding their unique perspective. And, oh, the stories they can tell!
Lightner Museum's atrium
Downtown St Augustine, FL

Internet/Online Resources: Of course online searches are a staple, but have you considered watching some youtube video tours of an area you are writing about, just to see it from a different perspective or for repetition? I found this a particularly helpful tool while writing Ablaze. Though I’d visited Ripley’s Warden Castle at least 6 times in so many months, for the purpose of research and photography, I found myself doubting my recollection while I wrote the big, action-packed climax scene. My pictures weren't specific enough for me to adequately recall the exact layout of the museum. Thank goodness for youtube videos!! I watched several videos multiple times as I envisioned how everything would go down. How splendid it is to have such resources available any time of day or night.

Books: Libraries and local government offices are a wealth of information. I love “getting lost” in it to see where the information trail takes me! Also, your own personal library can offer so much information right at your fingertips, in the comfort of your own home no less! I’m lucky enough to have grown a lovely library over the years, I’ll share a few pictures but this is not a complete representation of my personal library. The books range from fashion to animal care, to a variety of metaphysical philosophies and practices. I find myself delving into these treasured tomes, time and again, for verification, as well as inspiration.

Yourself: Never underestimate your inner voice. We all have our own perspective and experiences to draw upon. Especially in an area in which you are extremely well-versed. For me, it is Paganism/Divination and Veterinary/animal fields.  I’ve worked and studied in the veterinary field since 1990, and have divined by Tarot, Palmistry, and Astrology since my pre-teen years. Whether I trace a fact all the way to an obscure reference, or just pull it out of my head from decades-long familiarity, the validity of my suppositions are grounded in truth. The truth of my experience.
Research may seem daunting, but with the correct mindset, it can be a high point of your writing journey. The most important thing is to stay fascinated. Write about what you love, and it research is a joyous excuse to revel in the fascination.

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